1.Editors - All Sparks (3:33)
2.Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl (3:50)
3.Madrugada - Blood Shot Adult Commitment (4:56)
4.Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade (3:52)
5.Cant Stop-Red Hot Chilli Peppers (4:34)
6.System Of The Down - Chop Suey (3:33)
7.Creed - My Sacrifice (4:54)
8.Depeche Mode - Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus (3:57)
9.Placebo - Every You Every Me (3:36)
10.Foo Fighters - The Pretender (4:29)
11.The Gossip - Heavy Cross (Album Version) (4:02)
12.Green Day - Holiday (album version) (3:53)
13.3 Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You (3:57)
14.Linkin Park - In the End (3:36)
15.Kasabian - Days Are Forgotten
16.Kid Galax-Baby
17.Kryptonite-3 Doors Down
18.Last Night-The Strokes
19.Last Resort-Papa Roach
20.Lenny Kravitz 2000 - Are You Gonna Go My Way
21.Lust For Life-Iggy Pop
22.Marylin Manson - Sweet Dreams
23.No One Knows-Queens of the Stone Age
24.Plug in Baby-Muse
25.Question!-System of a Down
26.R U Mine-Arctic Monkeys
27.Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away
28.Rock & Roll Queen-The Subways
29.Sabotage-Beastie Boys
30.Self Esteem-The Offspring
31.Seven Nation Army-The White Stripes
32.Shadowplay-The Killers
33.Smells Like Teen Spirit-Nirvana
34.somebody told me-The Killers
35.Song 2-Blur
36.System of a Down - Toxicity
37.Take Me Out-Franz Ferdinand
38.The Black Keys - Everlasting Light
39.The Constellations - Perfect Day
41.Zombie-The Cranberries